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[Closed] Server Loading Problem

So this started happening yesterday. The game starts loading the servers really fast (mostly the NA ones[I do not live near NA, i connect to the EU servers. Also seems to be just the empty servers that it loads]) and then really slows down to the point where it stops loading servers with ~400 left (This is including filtering all other-mod servers). I can't load all the servers; the ones people are playing on. Must be connection related, but my connection is pretty stable and this just started happening yesterday out of the blue. I tried launching other M&B mods to make sure it's not just NI servers I can't connect to, and same thing happens there.. Starts loading really fast then slows down, and eventually stops, loading ~1/4 of the servers it was supposed to.

Don't know if that makes any sense to anyone. But any ideas?

Messages In This Thread
Server Loading Problem - by Sergvar - 27-09-2017, 10:56 AM
RE: Server Loading Problem - by Sargent Q - 27-09-2017, 06:34 PM
RE: Server Loading Problem - by Kip - 27-09-2017, 08:59 PM
RE: Server Loading Problem - by Alphaa - 27-09-2017, 09:15 PM

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