(13-11-2017, 02:27 PM)Green_Dragon Wrote: In general it should be left up to the people to decide whether they understand the topic
of a thread and state their opinion accordingly. It's called Freedom of Speech and used to
have some value in an open society. But that's just my opinion.
I only feel like talking about this part of your statement. The rest is, to an extent, agreeable. I would just like to clarify to you that whether or not Baron feels someone should say something has no bearing on their freedom of speech. Their freedom of speech is only being infringed upon when they are being stopped from speaking. Technically we could get into an argument that this is a private organization and a privately owned forum and therefore there is no constitutional promise of freedom of speech, and then we could debate the importance of the societal attitude towards upholding freedom of speech and whether or not private organizations should adhere to this principle, but that is all irrelevant. The entire topic of freedom of speech is irrelevant when Baron is just pointing out that he thinks people that have not played since the fixes will not have an accurate bearing on current droprates/code. If I was stupid or disingenuous and conflated statements of what people should say with infringing on their right to say it, I'd say you are infringing on Baron's freedom of speech. I'm glad no one here makes that mistake.