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Nord Invasion Community Feedback and Suggestions Thread 2017
(21-11-2017, 11:31 AM)Ubertimmy Wrote: Two years ago, I said this:
"The game already is more or less a club that you're either in or you're not, and degrades rapidly to a forum-based marketing game with a titanium grind.  If they went pay to win, they'd be sunk in 6 months tops."
Not much has changed since then.

There is much truth in what you say and said. The player base can't really grow with the amount
of loot and the little progress that comes with it when you don't have the club's gear. Thus the
chances to advance should be improved, quests, drop rates and crafting recipes as well as the
rediculous cost of some mats like lumps must change. Otherwise it's exactly how you describe it:
An elitist club of the Super-Rich who prefer to stay with themselves and bite away all opportunities
to have more people climb their ranks...
"Dedicated Nord Farmer"

Legendary Loots:
28.04.18 Royal Helmet
04.11.18 Leather Overmail
26.12.18 Severance
04.03.19 Aurora Blade
07.03.19 Illustrious
08.04.19 Sun Glaive
05.10.19 Severance

Messages In This Thread
RE: Nord Invasion Community Feedback and Suggestions Thread 2017 - by Green_Dragon - 21-11-2017, 11:51 AM

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