22-11-2017, 10:24 AM
I'd rather see the one of the quests removed and one changed to a more team based accomplishment I.E. complete 3 Normal Runs, 3 Hard Runs and 3 Ragnarok Runs. This quest is more accessible for everyone and does not turn anyone into a bunch of animals screaming out when to stop shooting because the boss' health is low (every DB and Trickster event). It is hilarious how salty people become if you take away their 500k sheckel if you accidentally land the last shot on the boss because you are not a "cheating bastard" by using the health bar script, which is in my opinion the worst thing I have ever compiled. With the removal of the quest it may finally become a official game feature, which I created it for in the first place. We all know what happened however (ref. to Health Bar script a social experiment gone wrong? thread). To all the people using the script: sad to see you rely on others to make a cheat and then go all ape shit about it.