22-11-2017, 11:16 AM
(22-11-2017, 11:06 AM)DB_Wololo Wrote:I admit that it would be a problem for shielder and healer. So there should be a quest for those in particular as well.(22-11-2017, 10:47 AM)Green_Dragon Wrote:So you can't complete the quest as RG, so one will make the support thing like shield and heal(22-11-2017, 10:24 AM)Kaasovic Wrote: I'd rather see the one of the quests removed and one changed to a more team based accomplishment I.E. complete 3 Normal Runs, 3 Hard Runs and 3 Ragnarok Runs. This quest is more accessible for everyone and does not turn anyone into a bunch of animals screaming out when to stop shooting because the boss' health is low (every DB and Trickster event).(...)
It's a good idea but leads back to the problem that people can still join at wave 12. Just imagine the "parasites" comments
that this would spark!If doable though I'd suggest 10 runs each for the 500k.
As said above, to kill a reasonable amount of bots for it would limit the "ape shit"
However, most of the veteran players have more than one character and could complete the kill quests with those.
"Dedicated Nord Farmer"
Legendary Loots:
28.04.18 Royal Helmet
04.11.18 Leather Overmail
26.12.18 Severance
04.03.19 Aurora Blade
07.03.19 Illustrious
08.04.19 Sun Glaive
05.10.19 Severance
Legendary Loots:
28.04.18 Royal Helmet
04.11.18 Leather Overmail
26.12.18 Severance
04.03.19 Aurora Blade
07.03.19 Illustrious
08.04.19 Sun Glaive
05.10.19 Severance