I may as well give some input on why I voted no.
Most people think it's flexing when I bring in pok jorm and mangler but the truth it's not any better than mangler jorm and v-daggers. Being able to use all your gear at once would be nice but just because xbow has a lot of skill in different area's dose not mean you should be able to bring in 4 things and cafe/med.
Other examples are zwei with hammer 2h sword shield and 1h or leg with 1h shield 2h and throwing etc. If anything I think it would be fair if ether each hero could bring in there thing in the support so eg mp can bring in throwing in the the support etc or 0 class's can do it.
Most people think it's flexing when I bring in pok jorm and mangler but the truth it's not any better than mangler jorm and v-daggers. Being able to use all your gear at once would be nice but just because xbow has a lot of skill in different area's dose not mean you should be able to bring in 4 things and cafe/med.
Other examples are zwei with hammer 2h sword shield and 1h or leg with 1h shield 2h and throwing etc. If anything I think it would be fair if ether each hero could bring in there thing in the support so eg mp can bring in throwing in the the support etc or 0 class's can do it.