11-02-2018, 05:19 AM
I'm an au player and I joined an NA rag server, I didnt have armour on due to a tradeback happened that i was unaware to, I went the first 3 rounds trying to slash due to no weapons , I thought i wouldnt need to put armour on due to I was going to be healing due to ping. After attempting slashing and failing due to too many melees I was told by VLKA_Disco I MUST get gear(being weapons and armour) or I will be kicked. After doing so I respec at wave 4 and was looking around for med kits and am now getting told I must not have 0 kills, I started to throw my Jarids I just had to buy , couldn't really spare the cash but I had to , to not get kicked, after telling Disco it's hard to kill with jarids he goes on to tell me use dragonbreath, I did not want to as I wanted to use my own stuff to practice so when thers no DB im used to the gear i do have, he goes on to kick me from the server.