Steel Cutter is very good and also very expensive wep.And it's simple look doesn't compare with it.So, i like to have another style for this great wep.Going to make re-texturing, screens later.
As free as an eagle in the sky...
My chars
Headhunters_FireTroll-46 lvl commando+xbow
[DP]FireGoblin-45 lvl sniper+inf
Headhunters_FireOrc-21 lvl heavy crossbowman
DP_FireOgre-43 lvl pikeman
[Image: 21076638.png]
My chars
Headhunters_FireTroll-46 lvl commando+xbow
[DP]FireGoblin-45 lvl sniper+inf
Headhunters_FireOrc-21 lvl heavy crossbowman
DP_FireOgre-43 lvl pikeman
[Image: 21076638.png]