![[Image: FFA8E5715333C5A56EA68908842F19702530A0C4]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/927052267575214171/FFA8E5715333C5A56EA68908842F19702530A0C4/)
Grey - not sure what looks better dark or light straps
![[Image: 170C33C9AF194B04F8D2FAA7C203DF73AB514D3C]](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/927052267574975364/170C33C9AF194B04F8D2FAA7C203DF73AB514D3C/)
With the way, I do it a blood red and a "gothic"/steel looking brig will take longer but ye I will get to it when I can be fucked.
Grey - not sure what looks better dark or light straps
With the way, I do it a blood red and a "gothic"/steel looking brig will take longer but ye I will get to it when I can be fucked.