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Application for the return of item left in house trust
(30-03-2018, 05:53 PM)Woody Wrote: It seems every one has misinformation/has not understand why I worded my conversation with pck. Playing the mule or just going along with trades is something I do when I feel like it could give me more information about my target. That should be obvious to anyone that's good in trading. I can tell you I got the basic info that you would only except stuff of your choosing and not my own. Just that is a red flag for me... getting paid anything would be sufficient yet trying to ask for shit the bank does not have or does not want to sell is ridiculous when the claim is so week.

You should not treat paying someone back for an item you sold without knowing it was theirs as a trade...  (Yes, I know that the Durendal was technically part of someone else's trade, but you, as the leader, approved them buying it from the bank, and thus you are held responsible).
The claim is not weak, I had already made it clear at that point that the Durendal belonged to Madjosh.

(30-03-2018, 05:53 PM)Woody Wrote: We agree it could be a possibility he owns it but I, the active vlka members and ben think we would still want better evidence rather than a he/she said. So far the arguments could be made by almost any old vlka member and once again I would have no idea if there was any turth to the claim. For most old vlka people this would not be a problem as if they are still in vlka I would let them use more gear.

Let me make this perfectly clear - the Durendal originally belonged to Madjosh and was loaned throughout the bank.  The bank never bought it from him and he never formally donated it to my knowledge (some form of logging on the part of either side could be helpful here).

At this point, the previous verdict stands: the developer team will not get involved in forcing repayment due to faulty record keeping on the part of the parties involved and no one acting with malicious intent, but morally Woody should feel obligated to repay them through VLKA bank for the mistake in record keeping, as the item sold did belong to Madjosh.

The thread will remain open for Brennanx's statement and the possibility of other information coming forward, but at this point the situation seems to be pretty clear - a simple mistake in record keeping led to an item being sold without knowing who it actually belonged to.  The trade happened several months ago, but the mistake in record keeping likely happened over a year ago.  I advise everyone to be very wary of who they loan items to in the future, and would like for anyone considering doing so to understand that they do it at their own risk.  In simple cases with clear documentation where an item was obviously stolen the developers may intervene, but not in something like this.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Application for the return of item left in house trust - by Winter - 30-03-2018, 06:30 PM

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