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Aus Server Support Funding
Sorry if this is a re-post, I couldn't find anything on it, I've been on break for the game just under a year and I'm now back and playing with some friends.

I noticed the Aus servers appear up, but I'm curious as to whose paying for them and if I can help out in anyway. Is there a direct donate link that me and my friends can inject some funds into for the Aus servers?
1x Tears of Hvergelmir.

Messages In This Thread
Aus Server Support Funding - by Slugbath - 17-06-2018, 10:42 PM
RE: Aus Server Support Funding - by Kip - 18-06-2018, 12:08 AM
RE: Aus Server Support Funding - by Slugbath - 18-06-2018, 12:27 AM
RE: Aus Server Support Funding - by Slugbath - 18-06-2018, 06:28 AM
RE: Aus Server Support Funding - by Kip - 18-06-2018, 05:13 PM

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