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Change Legendary chance to pseudorandom
(29-01-2019, 11:09 AM)Kaasovic Wrote: I have a few concerns regarding pseudo randomness. The idea Coconut provided is easily exploitable (also brought up by Thunderstorm, I think); a player can simply boost his legendary change by spamming a ton of normal runs and switch to only doing ragnarok to ensure the best possible loot, by joining wave 12, going to spectator and join back once Odin is the last one alive.

While development might seem to be progressing rapidly, it has almost stagnated on the web side. Kip is, at this moment, very busy with real life stuff. It doesn't help that I am pumping a ton of pull requests which all require review.

I don't see it happen that we'll switch to a different loot system anytime soon.

A fix I would suggest to stop players from abusing the system would be to have separate loot chances on different game modes, this means your pseudorandom chance won't transfer from normal to hard etc. Not sure if it would be possible though. Would be great if you could enlighten us about it.

Also, regarding wave 12 join, this also happens now, so as it has been suggested before, adding playtime increasing loot chance would be beneficial. Not a lot of players want to start a run, usually its the people who want to play solo that start the server. Maybe this system would encourage players to start from wave 1 to have higher possibility of legendaries.
Guess who's back?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Change Legendary chance to pseudorandom - by Rydell - 29-01-2019, 12:07 PM

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