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Change Legendary chance to pseudorandom
(29-01-2019, 01:06 PM)Thunderstorm Wrote: As Kaas stated above the Head Dev of this Mod is putting his IRL time into this mod and due some circumstances he doesnt have as much time at the moment

Kaas didnt say its not possible to change he just said it most likely wont change in the near future since the Head Dev doesnt have alot of time to review the new Requests  and Kaas showing "a ton of requests which all require review" doesnt help in that situation.

Maybe I commented a bit harsh in that regard. This ton of requests should maybe shared between
more people then. I wonder if there weren't people here with some coding experience to help out
until the weight of that ton is decreased? I know from my own experience that it's not easy to find
reliable people to help out for some time, on the other hand it might not be impossible if they asked.
"Dedicated Nord Farmer"

Legendary Loots:
28.04.18 Royal Helmet
04.11.18 Leather Overmail
26.12.18 Severance
04.03.19 Aurora Blade
07.03.19 Illustrious
08.04.19 Sun Glaive
05.10.19 Severance

Messages In This Thread
RE: Change Legendary chance to pseudorandom - by Green_Dragon - 29-01-2019, 01:13 PM

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