29-01-2019, 06:15 PM
(29-01-2019, 04:17 PM)Malong Wrote: Nord Kill Points
Obligatory excerpt of a former dev's response:
"Basically you are describing a system that would favor active players for loots ( Any kinds of loot ? Legendaries ? Crooked Sticks ?), because the most active players would have the most NKP.
That means people, who dont have the time to play that much, wont get much loots because they are not active enough.
And active players (who are already getting more loot because they are playing more then the others ) would get almost everything.
Where is that fair ?"
Even with the current system, more active players who play longer and more often are statistically speaking more likely to loot. Problem is only that RNG is a fickle b**ch, which results in some people to never loot in hundreds of hours of playtime, whereas others loot twice within a day or two (or seven times within two months *cough*). And that's when people get salty.
(29-01-2019, 05:49 PM)Terath Wrote: This way, nobody is left out from earning legendaries. The current system is okay, it's just that it's not accompanied by anything earned. You can't really work towards obtaining a legendary, because you obtaining a legendary is entirely reliant on RNG. The current system with an additional system to obtain legendaries through earning them instead of through pure luck would contribute massively towards just having something to do.
Personally I wouldn't like earning Legendaries without any RNG whatsoever. The House Craftables fill imho the role of "almost as good as Legendaries, but can be acquired by grinding" quite nicely. But I really think a "pity timer type system" like Coconut suggested could boost the morale of people who had bad luck so far.