My request would be the answer to why don't we get to see how exactly it works.
Unless its got loopholes people could exploit but... even then i think people would find out by accident "if i/we do this"
If you have factors that increase loot chance well say it. I would guess it would be all about that teamwork as a lot of changes not to do with loot chance have been pushing that agenda on us too.
Let's say the myth that... Hmm, idk if i should say just in case if I'm right so I'll say one that I'm sure is wrong as i don't think its ever happened even. In before its 100% loot chance.
Let's say if you have all 1 to 16 heroes in sever loot chance goes up by (x)%. Whatever the list of factors are if there are any the devs probably push that way anyway. What I'm saying whatever it is you probably want us to do that already.
I honestly think if full disclosure was made about the loot system it would be more good than bad for the community.
-Can't blame the loot system (maybe?)
-More likely to be on ts to meet the requirement if needed (a good push to making more ative houses)
-Salt or at least less of it
-Don't get people starting rumours about things
-May need to fix your shit if it is broken
-My joy of seeing people shrine for luck will be no more
Even if you say ye we change the loot chance on things monthly or at least try to. I really don't get how that hurts if we are aware of it.
Unless its got loopholes people could exploit but... even then i think people would find out by accident "if i/we do this"
If you have factors that increase loot chance well say it. I would guess it would be all about that teamwork as a lot of changes not to do with loot chance have been pushing that agenda on us too.
Let's say the myth that... Hmm, idk if i should say just in case if I'm right so I'll say one that I'm sure is wrong as i don't think its ever happened even. In before its 100% loot chance.
Let's say if you have all 1 to 16 heroes in sever loot chance goes up by (x)%. Whatever the list of factors are if there are any the devs probably push that way anyway. What I'm saying whatever it is you probably want us to do that already.
I honestly think if full disclosure was made about the loot system it would be more good than bad for the community.
-Can't blame the loot system (maybe?)
-More likely to be on ts to meet the requirement if needed (a good push to making more ative houses)
-Salt or at least less of it
-Don't get people starting rumours about things
-May need to fix your shit if it is broken
-My joy of seeing people shrine for luck will be no more
Even if you say ye we change the loot chance on things monthly or at least try to. I really don't get how that hurts if we are aware of it.