17-02-2019, 02:25 PM
Can the slayer armour pls be optional instead of replacing reinforced halfplate.
I'ts really out of place with the estetics of nordinvesion, with how little armour it actualy shows off.
The major gaps in between the armour plates and lack of chainmail makes it feel more like a cosplay costume then midieval armour.
The textures also make it look like plastic painted over with grey paint.
I don't have a problem with the armour being in nordinvasion.
I jus't dont like the look of the armour and would rather have the reinforced halfplate.
I'ts really out of place with the estetics of nordinvesion, with how little armour it actualy shows off.
The major gaps in between the armour plates and lack of chainmail makes it feel more like a cosplay costume then midieval armour.
The textures also make it look like plastic painted over with grey paint.
I don't have a problem with the armour being in nordinvasion.
I jus't dont like the look of the armour and would rather have the reinforced halfplate.