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Wardens of the South [Currently Recruiting, No required level]
(20-03-2019, 05:40 PM)Wolff1945 Wrote: Which Region are you from? EU/Germany

Character Name/s: Wolff

Class & Level:  Legionnaire, lvl 52

Do you have Teamspeak 3 and access to the Nord Invasion server? Yes 

Age: 18

Character ID: 2514806

Steam Name: [IR_Nr3]Wolff

Accepted into WoS as a trial member, please feel free to join Teamspeak and join our upcoming Event this sunday.

Aurora Blade 23.03.2019
Volundr Greatsword 12/11/2020

Official event times (Praven):

<19:50:13> "Faravin": Normal -9:17
<20:07:55> "Faravin": Hard -15:55

[Image: 2pcM1nK.png]


Messages In This Thread
Hey Guys Trying to Apply - by Red Eyez - 04-10-2016, 02:41 AM
RE: Wardens of the South [Currently Recruiting, No required level] - by Kura - 20-03-2019, 07:42 PM

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