06-06-2019, 01:03 PM
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2019, 06:53 AM by Count_Matheas.)
Ingame Name: Faramir Boromir Faramir_Ithilien Faramir_MP
Player ID: 2487527 2525159 2527419 2527448
Level: 52 36 43 52
Class: Commando Heavy Skirmisher Sniper Sharpshooter
Support Class: Siege Engineer Medic
Crafting Profession and Level: 13 alchemist / 13 armorshimt / 16 blacksmith
Time Zone: GMT +7:00
Region: EU
Age: 17
Player ID: 2487527 2525159 2527419 2527448
Level: 52 36 43 52
Class: Commando Heavy Skirmisher Sniper Sharpshooter
Support Class: Siege Engineer Medic
Crafting Profession and Level: 13 alchemist / 13 armorshimt / 16 blacksmith
Time Zone: GMT +7:00
Region: EU
Age: 17