24-06-2019, 11:57 AM
Think about it this way, dear Devs
Early Legionnaire had just an upgrade in his 1h skill + 1h weapons. But then he recieved a buff (throwables+ lighter armors)
It was considered the worst Infantry class before that Buff
Recently Inf got another HP buff on Hard and Ragnarok
Less Attention were given to Aventurier. Halberdier and Ranger.
Aventurier should get lighter Armor
Crossbows reduced in weight (except big shot, elegant crossbow or dead shot for knockdown)
Right now Aventurier is the least Popular Class
Halberdier and Ranger get the same (but smaller HP treatment) as Inf
Right now, Inf has a hero who can kite (Legi), Archers and Pike can, but there is no real Crossbow-Class that can do that.
(yes if you ditch the armor then you can do it even with an Ailadrodd)
Early Legionnaire had just an upgrade in his 1h skill + 1h weapons. But then he recieved a buff (throwables+ lighter armors)
It was considered the worst Infantry class before that Buff
Recently Inf got another HP buff on Hard and Ragnarok
Less Attention were given to Aventurier. Halberdier and Ranger.
Aventurier should get lighter Armor
Crossbows reduced in weight (except big shot, elegant crossbow or dead shot for knockdown)
Right now Aventurier is the least Popular Class
Halberdier and Ranger get the same (but smaller HP treatment) as Inf
Right now, Inf has a hero who can kite (Legi), Archers and Pike can, but there is no real Crossbow-Class that can do that.
(yes if you ditch the armor then you can do it even with an Ailadrodd)