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Aventurier Armor (NOW WITH PICTURES)
(24-06-2019, 05:39 PM)Forward Wrote:
(24-06-2019, 05:34 PM)Woody Wrote:
(24-06-2019, 05:11 PM)Forward Wrote:
(24-06-2019, 05:09 PM)Woody Wrote:
(24-06-2019, 05:00 PM)Forward Wrote: One-handed crossbow sounds like something which could work, but I doubt that too. And balancing it would be nightmare too.
Balancing would be a nightmare implying you would call the class op at some point.

I would end it there.

Exactly. It's like increasing Jugg bonus HP. Until some point it will be same shit as before and after some point you will have every Rag with 16 Juggs in it.
What are you on about? We already have rag runs it's been only one main class.

Warden or mp or cm or repeater... take your pick and I can list the last time I was surrounded by them.

Look at games like csgo more than half of the guns don't get used in real competitive but recently there has been changes. When Aug got a decrease in price so that it was $50 more than the M4 it became the most used counter terrorist weapon in that major. If you have not played cs or don't understand it would be like if ranger was getting out played vs warden. After that it got a nerf back up to the normal price it was but it till got picked from professionals. It's an amazing effect of people saying only use this but never trying the other options.

Even now it's been nerfed again but buffed in a small way. I would put money on them looking at other guns ATM. Best bet I'm thinking of dual berettas all the PP bizon. Both are dog shit but will small changes things would change.

It's the same with heros atm how do you truly get to judge a class that you've never played. Yes you can eyeball stats like all the nerds in Counter-Strike did... In the end it real world testing is what makes or breaks things.

ATM some classes need help so let them have help. If you don't plan to play them after the changes or don't worry it's not going to affect your heroes stats anyway.

Still more then one Juggernaut... Problem is you can't make Jugg viable let's say on Rag by not making him OP on hard. It's not skill-class, it's completely based on innate stats. It's not as good as player playing him, it's as good as many HP Kaasovic will add to him.

Have no idea about CS:GO, I don't play it.

Are you implying that Warden / MP isn't currently OP on hard? Both of them absolutely shred most waves. They get more kills than Juggernaut ever will on Hard because of how easy it is to kill Hard mode bots for those two classes. Are you so blind judging other classes and how "OP" they are when you're playing the most meta and OP classes? I literally do not understand. Infantry is the highest risk class, always, because they actually have to be interacting with the enemy. Does that not make it the highest skill class, due to being the highest risk? I guarantee you there is a massive difference between a bad infantry player and a good infantry player, just like how there is a massive difference between a good and bad archer. Infantry players know that there is a lot more to fighting a bot in melee than just whacking them. Knowing the reach of your weapon and how to space yourself correctly is incredibly important, alongside knowing how to pick your battles and how to fully utilize your hero. Saying that Juggernaut entirely relies on his extra HP is 100% incorrect, and is a disservice to the class. It's an entirely different playstyle; you still have to be really careful just like a Zweihander or Legionnaire would. Using end-game gear, the game is balanced around Ragnarok, not hard. Most classes with end-game gear will destroy Normal and Hard mode, no matter how bad or good the actual class is, so this point is moot anyways.

Using your logic: Warden isn't a skill class, it has higher innate stats than all of the other archer heroes. Therefore it has a lower skill requirement, yes? Wouldn't it make you a more skilled player to have the same amount of kills on a Ranger against a Warden? You can say this for any class with something over another class. Royal Guard vs Pavise? Pavise requires more skill because it has lower shielding, so you have to manage your shield better. Hoplite vs Halberdier? Halberdier is harder to play, since Hoplite has potentially the highest damaging melee weapon in the game. This viewpoint is very skewed and does nothing in defense of Jugg being """op""", because it's really not.

I believe you look at the game backwards. If the current game supports mostly ranged DPS-stacking play, the game should change to accomodate the other classes instead of leaving them behind. Can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Woody. If some classes need help, so be it. It's not like it will affect your tower defense simulator anyways.
if you have problem of the model variety send it to winter xen winter me winter me xen me winter because it'll piss him off

Messages In This Thread
RE: Aventurier Armor - by DR. - 23-05-2019, 01:48 PM
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RE: Aventurier Armor - by Kriegstofu - 23-05-2019, 08:31 PM
RE: Aventurier Armor (NOW WITH PICTURES) - by DR. - 24-05-2019, 07:43 AM
RE: Aventurier Armor (NOW WITH PICTURES) - by DR. - 24-06-2019, 04:34 PM
RE: Aventurier Armor (NOW WITH PICTURES) - by DR. - 24-06-2019, 05:09 PM
RE: Aventurier Armor (NOW WITH PICTURES) - by DR. - 24-06-2019, 05:34 PM
RE: Aventurier Armor (NOW WITH PICTURES) - by Terath - 24-06-2019, 06:05 PM
RE: Aventurier Armor (NOW WITH PICTURES) - by DR. - 25-06-2019, 06:54 AM
RE: Aventurier Armor (NOW WITH PICTURES) - by DR. - 24-06-2019, 06:00 PM
RE: Aventurier Armor (NOW WITH PICTURES) - by DR. - 24-06-2019, 06:59 PM
RE: Aventurier Armor (NOW WITH PICTURES) - by DR. - 25-06-2019, 04:24 AM
RE: Aventurier Armor (NOW WITH PICTURES) - by DR. - 25-06-2019, 05:20 PM

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