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Turning Alchemist Crafting Into Alchemist Crafting.
(24-07-2019, 08:35 PM)Malong Wrote: I don't think it's necessary. Players should proactively think of solutions to avoid these bottlenecks by playing the difficulties from which the bottleneck materials drop the most. And I am typing this as someone who would greatly benefit from this:

This does not solve the problem of answer 6.

If I could I would play to loot the stuff I wanted as I already do. In the proses of doing so on [X] difficulty most of the stuff, I'm looting in the meantime, is not what I want and not what most people want. 

Selling mats to get other mats that have the highest demand is almost imposable as I'm sure you are aware of.

2 Years ago, I had almost 40k basic wood. For about a year I tried my best to sell it on the Ah and in trades yet I'm still at 20897 x Basic Wood... Not to add how many upgrades and other stuff I have crafted in the meantime...

(24-07-2019, 08:35 PM)Malong Wrote: That wasn't his point. Read it all.

Also, he's literally quoting you and your evaluation:

The Devs make the drop rates and the mat sinks. They control the supply and demand. For this reason, is it really self regulating or is it dev regulating? I didn't want to bring this up as this change gives them the power once again to make the exchange rate costs, however. A change like this gives players some power in their hands. If a player feels like it would be justified using [X] amount of mat to make [Y] they can do so.

My response to Forward was in a rush [4 am] so only had time to show how this was not the main point here. Q6 Is more of the main point and the last sentence.

I could have worded A1 a bit better as I want to say something on the lines of.

A1) So The basic mat market can be self regulating. When the demand becomes so high for something like Heavy Cloth, Wolf t, .... etc. The market can give you another way to get them other than looting/trading/depending on devs to change drop rates or mat sinks. The same can be said when you think the demand for a mat is lower or higher than it should be. With a change like this, it gives you the power to make the decisions on what you just looted. If you don't need 1 thing but have lots of it this tool gives you the ability to trade (Ni) for what you want.

I think that's a better answer to question 1. 

If I want Heavy C or whatever where do I go? Tbh I think cav may have the best drop rate for it and I'm not even joking. The point of me saying this it's not an easy system to rap yourself around when the drop rate feels like it can change overnight some days. Mats drop from multipole bots and multipole difficulties... Ive said this with legendaries in how it should be something like this.

Beginner - Collectables
Normal - Orange 
Hard - More than 1 Hero
Rag - 1 Hero 

Cav 1-5 - Orange
Cav 6-10 - More than 1 Hero
Cav 11-15 - 1 Hero 

The same could be done with mats altho I would do it this way.

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RE: Turning Alchemist Crafting Into Alchemist Crafting. - by DR. - 25-07-2019, 06:45 AM

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