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Turning Alchemist Crafting Into Alchemist Crafting.
What about a daily transmute system for Alchemists?

The point of an Alchemist in games is usually related to some Mystic Element, without hurting the economy you could have for example:

X + X = (N*) x Lump of Lead
24 hour cooldown.

this could also be how you can add other systems for Alchemists, Example:

Luck of the priest - Tome Enchant = "Sometimes able to spawn in an extra tome" (N* % Chance)
Unending Quiver - Arrows = "Sometimes uses an arrow from thin air" (N* % Chance(Take a shot without consuming ammo))

Alchemist could be used for other interesting things other than a flat out Material craft.

Aurora Blade 23.03.2019
Volundr Greatsword 12/11/2020

Official event times (Praven):

<19:50:13> "Faravin": Normal -9:17
<20:07:55> "Faravin": Hard -15:55

[Image: 2pcM1nK.png]


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RE: Turning Alchemist Crafting Into Alchemist Crafting. - by Kura - 25-07-2019, 01:28 PM

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