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Prelude: A novel based upon the MOD "Nord Invasion" PG 13 + (adult content)
Name: Friewulf

Class: sniper

Gear "looks": Old shaggy Grey hair covered with an Open Trooper Helmet
battle worn body clad with a red tattered tunic over mail shiny self crafted black whisby gauntlets and a well worn highlander boots

Age: 39 but due to constant battle looks to be like 60 which works well with unsuspecting filthy nords

Gender: male

House *if applicable: was recruited into the order of the scarlet blades when he was young and honed his skills with a bow untill he was one with it

Personality: old, wise, experianced and very deadly if you cross him

Requested Literic Role *Good guy, bad guy, stagnant, dynamic etc. etc.: hidden hero taking the nords down at a distance helping the main heroes when they are in a dier situation

a small bio off myself :
Friewulf Born into a middleclass Swadian home to a high ranking Military father and Sibling to an older Brother who through Friewulfs early years had protected and defended him against the town bullies and rabid dogs.
He often faught with his brother in constant attempts to surpas his already military distinguished brother who had led a small group of men after his commanding officer was struck down in an ambush during the great first war with the nords.
Then disaster struck when he turned 19 when the Men from the north or nords as they are most commonly known descended onto swadia in a blood thirsty rage and when his village was attacked it was his own Brother that commanded the garrison that held off the waves of encroaching nords whilst he attempted to get his mother and the other villagers to safety when they finally camped a distance they thought safe a lonely swadian soldier wondered into this makeshift camp with an axe lodged deep in his back and simply said we have failed before hundreds of Nords swarmed the camp killing and raping everything in there path Friewulf tried to help his mother but was Knocked unconscious by the back end of an axe.....when he awoke he saw what he can only comprehend as hell as bodies were scattered around him

Twelve weeks later he finally reached a distant land where he hid untill he was noticed stealing food and chased by the local town guard thats where he met him the man that would forever change his life the name of that man was Clickeverywhere yet his men seemed to call him click he was a tower of a man he hid me from the guards and took me under his wing when i asked him why he simply said we need all the help we can get that was when i found out about his troubled past and his home being destroyed by the same vermin that had swept through mine like it was nothing.

Now 39 and back in his swadian homeland fighting for suvival with his brothers and sisters taking back one bit of his homeland one fight at a time the years have been rough to him but like his fellow scarlet blades he fight now only to deafeat the seemingly endless nord invasion

Thank you for reading
COURAGE: do one brave thing then run like hell

Long Live The Order Of The Scarlet Blade's

Messages In This Thread
Re: Prelude: A novel based upon the MOD "Nord Invasion" PG 13 + (adult content) - by freiwulf - 30-07-2012, 09:48 PM

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