To Kaas
1. Ye part of this question was if this would be easier than doing that.
Some waves I think are op for what they are and other are not even a challenge in some cases. Take wave 9 hard for example can't wait till 25-50% have hammers with crush through.
2. like I said in number 1 how long should I be able to last on wave 9 in normal with the best armour adding it's upgraded. I don't want to be invincible on normal. At the same time I don't want people with market place or low end crafted gear not lasting 3secs on wave 9. It's a fine line making the poor feel useful but not making the rich op. Gl with that.
Cav I see as a difficulty would be like all modes as the Nords feel like they can come from normal hard and rag.
Maybe cav is the place for custom HP for each wave?
3. Nice.
1. Ye part of this question was if this would be easier than doing that.
Some waves I think are op for what they are and other are not even a challenge in some cases. Take wave 9 hard for example can't wait till 25-50% have hammers with crush through.
2. like I said in number 1 how long should I be able to last on wave 9 in normal with the best armour adding it's upgraded. I don't want to be invincible on normal. At the same time I don't want people with market place or low end crafted gear not lasting 3secs on wave 9. It's a fine line making the poor feel useful but not making the rich op. Gl with that.
Cav I see as a difficulty would be like all modes as the Nords feel like they can come from normal hard and rag.
Maybe cav is the place for custom HP for each wave?
3. Nice.