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Question About Trading Rules concerning Trade offers made outside of the NI Forum
Quote:Trading Rules
  • Do not make an offer you do not intend to honour.

I was trying to buy an item not within the forums but using steam chat as the platform to negotiate. Me as the buyer and the other guy as the seller. We agreed onto a Price. I begin crafting certain Items as the item being involved in the trade was a Masterwork Toolkit. A few minutes later i recieve a message that the trader got a better offer. A few days later i ask the same trader again about the Stuff he sells, this time for pure gold. So in the end, he did still had the trading good, and was just trying to get more from me. We again agreed to a price. this time he told me to give him some time thinking, i asked him about half a day later in which he insulted me for being impatient. Now 2 days later i asked him again and this time he wanted the Masterwork Toolkit again. 

Now my question is, how far does the above stated rule reach? Just on the NI Forums or also on other Messaging Platform outside of the Devs reach?

After he did not honor our trade i told him that i will report this instance (Here). He got angry and insulted me on Steam and then Removed me from Steam.

For those interested below the Conversation


Messages In This Thread
Question About Trading Rules concerning Trade offers made outside of the NI Forum - by Kriegstofu - 02-01-2020, 05:34 PM

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