(12-03-2020, 02:30 PM)Malong Wrote: Holy shit! You don't know how quotes work!
Quoting on a phone properly is a nightmare. I'll take short cuts or ill not do it at all.
If I think It's not worth my time I'll skip it as well.
(12-03-2020, 03:01 PM)Malong Wrote: I actually searched, but is there an expectation that a thread titled "Hero+" would have related to "gold sinks[s]?"
It wasn't even that far down if you just searched "gold sink" https://gyazo.com/cc92efd95892802bf0e3a75b52cb33e2
Calling it hero+... The name implying I want better than the hero stats we had... What did you think the cost would be?
(12-03-2020, 03:01 PM)Malong Wrote: If in your years of filing feature requests (this is still overdue), you had ever learned how to submit a clear one, that would help.
Who do you think is taking more in this strange relationship. You that likes to point out things sometimes very petty things and have a laugh. Good for you.
Or me, I like pressing some buttons knowing I'm improving at this skill that I was once heavily lacking in. I'm not the best at writing a request and I never will be but I'm improving. I'm practising on something I feel passionate about being Ni. Also, Its good fun stirring the pot every so offended.
I think we both win or lose as we are here for different things.
(12-03-2020, 03:01 PM)Malong Wrote: "Woody committed murder. Don't ask me for proof, that's just petty, just go arrest him, judge him guilty for first degree murder, and sentence him immediately. I'm not doing all of your homework. Ooh ooh ah ah ah."
I gave the evidence I wanted a big gold sink before upgrades as that's all I really need to show. This judge feels biased.
(13-03-2020, 03:35 AM)Malong Wrote: I would argue that's a consequence of the changes, and not strictly the intention.
So devs make changes to how the game is and Its "not strictly the intention" things may change? What??
The devs can and have made changes to the market. To say It's not strictly the intention leaves me to say what was the main reason upgrades got implemented.
I personally see it being a rich tax 1st not so people can have better items... You needed to give the players something for paying so much otherwise its just a tax with no benefit.
(13-03-2020, 03:35 AM)Malong Wrote: But if few people want items at a given price and would only pay less for it, how is it possible that this is not the community dictating the price? This seems to lend credence to that idea. In the end, eople don't want to pay the now-inflated prices of these common and non-optimal items.
No, I agree on people make their own prices and trade according. For how they trade, If they trade and what they trade is on the devs. You will be the last person to decide what you will pay and sell for but Its the devs that control how those items came to be.
Just 1 example, other than upgrades. The devs made the Legendary item week. They could see it would have an effect on the market before making the event.
(13-03-2020, 03:35 AM)Malong Wrote: It's clear you didn't search!
This is factually untrue and you know it. All it means is I found the 1st one and didn't go much past it as I didn't think It was necessary given I didn't claim I was the 1st that wanted it.
"I did put light on that subject"
(13-03-2020, 03:35 AM)Malong Wrote: Because, yet again, for the most part, orange legendaries are superseded by red legendaries
They are better In stats but usability is another question. Hell for this argument All heroes (Dur) should be less than 1 heroes (Legacy).
More usability = less normal stats
"Like Ags and Vgs are technically better then Legacy and Dur in usability just no one uses it how it was intended to be used."
For how much Tempest is better than Ullrs for being 1 hero? The same difference applies when you talk about going to F-bow from Ullrs. Going from Orange to (Red) All heroes to (Red) 1 hero is normally the same stats differences at the cost of usability.
Is the gap from Tempest to Ullrs any smaller than Ullrs to F-bow?
(12-03-2020, 08:07 AM)Woody Wrote: I see them as just about the same as reds already just with a buff none uses.
(13-03-2020, 03:35 AM)Malong Wrote: The progression and antiquation of items is a feature, not a bug, of online RPGs.
ehhh to a player perspective I would agree. You and I see most If not all craftables as "peasant items" but to say the full community should see half of the items in this game as obsolete... My B idea is simple and I don't think It would be that much work to implement. With very simple idea's this does not need to be the case.
I'm starting to think Light blues could have the same or similar work done to them. Making them usable by all or t3 sounds fun but not sure If I would do much more. You could make all the light blue stuff hero locked (dark blue) then buff the green stuff but that's a mess. You can make some links between Light blues to Dark blues and Oranges to Reds.
Does that change my opinion on my request eh not much? Does make me think A could be asking too much but I think its still a valid idea at this point.
(13-03-2020, 03:35 AM)Malong Wrote: The concept of increasing by a multiplicative factor of two is misleading. This thread is filled with some great gems. Perfect 5/7.
"is a bit misleading is it not?"
If any company came out and said ye this has 2x the performance/warranty/etc.. without giving the context of what 2x really the company Is normally trying to mislead the public to think of a greater number normally. This is marketing 101 for Apple saying this iPhone is 2x better than the last one. It can be factually true but still misleading without context.
The difference here is Winter is not selling me anything (at least not yet). This is hence why I said, "just a fun fact as it doesn't really say much on the topic.".