22-04-2020, 06:17 AM
I've been playing pretty much every day since release. The game has a few bugs, but they aren't bad ones. The thing I'm noticing more (which they have been quickly addressing) is how imbalanced the economy setup is. In 1.0.0, wood workshops would give you 10s of thousands of denars per day (that was fixed in 1.0.1). Until 1.1, you could make obscene profit from buying swords, smelting them down, and then selling the materials. Now, in 1.2, they're tackling caravans.
Overall I appreciate the general approach they've been taking to the game, and I haven't experienced any severely bad bugs. Just funny bugs like heroes saying that their name is UNDEFINED: Name Not Found, or village boys floating 15 feet in the air.
Overall I appreciate the general approach they've been taking to the game, and I haven't experienced any severely bad bugs. Just funny bugs like heroes saying that their name is UNDEFINED: Name Not Found, or village boys floating 15 feet in the air.