I don't have much to say on most of them given It was what I expected or just well answered my question.
Has Kip considered letting someone else take over/well help more?
This Is coming from a place where I've been In multiple events where I have asked for an item stats change and It happened before the event even ended. Item usability and hero stats don't even need a new update In the sense of a new download.
Would It be feasible to push a small update like that?
What classifies It to be a team game? Like you can kite with mutable people so is that considered a team game or what you mean by team game is more than 10 people? We are both from Australia here so you tell me do you think the dev team should support smaller team play such as this given a lot of the time Ni just doesn't have the people to run a full 16/16 server.
Like even you answered my 1st question by saying you don't want NI to be "...hiding in a corner and mindlessly killing braindead bots over and over again..."
This is effectively kiting with bigger teams or you want to do something like my idea here. https://forum.nordinvasion.com/showthread.php?tid=74666
(26-09-2020, 05:50 AM)DragonFire1 Wrote: "Whats stopping you from pushing more updates?"
Kip's avaliable time to work on NI and push out updates is very limited as he is running his own buisness as well as general life stuff to take care of as do the rest of us. Taking that into account, he also has to check every piece of work from maps, code, models etc individually, give them the okay, compile them and push them out which takes alot of time, time he doesnt nor the rest of us, have anymore for NI1 and we want to look forward with what we want to/can do for NI2 should the modding tools allow us to do so
Has Kip considered letting someone else take over/well help more?
This Is coming from a place where I've been In multiple events where I have asked for an item stats change and It happened before the event even ended. Item usability and hero stats don't even need a new update In the sense of a new download.
Would It be feasible to push a small update like that?
(26-09-2020, 05:50 AM)DragonFire1 Wrote: "I guess the other map question would be on the lines of kiting being... Do you support it at its current state as the dev team has had no clear answer over the years. Some map changes over the years have literally blocked off kiting."
NI was/is intended to be a team game and kiting was a player creation. Some maps allow for kiting while others dont but its really not something myself and other mappers have focused on whether or not a person can kite on the map but more given the current state of the game how powerful ranged will be on the map (unfortunately)
What classifies It to be a team game? Like you can kite with mutable people so is that considered a team game or what you mean by team game is more than 10 people? We are both from Australia here so you tell me do you think the dev team should support smaller team play such as this given a lot of the time Ni just doesn't have the people to run a full 16/16 server.
Like even you answered my 1st question by saying you don't want NI to be "...hiding in a corner and mindlessly killing braindead bots over and over again..."
This is effectively kiting with bigger teams or you want to do something like my idea here. https://forum.nordinvasion.com/showthread.php?tid=74666