(23-05-2024, 11:33 PM)Malong Wrote: It's also not demonstrated that without Ironman, the same cohort of players would play onĀ other servers. I've certainly seen some names that I haven't seen in a while and I know it's due to Ironman, meaning we know that not everyone on Ironman would play elsewhere without its existence.
I think a lot of people currently playing ironman are in this category. I certainly wouldnt play often/at all if it wasnt for ironman.
I would also like to note: NordInvasion is such an old mod at this point. It goes through periods of resurgence where suddenly a lot of the old playerbase starts playing again, thus creating opportunities for new players to join in. However there are large periods where a large portion of the west playerbase has no interest anymore and the mod "dies".
Ofcourse new players joining is great but at this point the mod has had such a long lifespan where you cannot expect returning players to cater to new players in order to increase player numbers or something of the sort. The ironman event is largely old players wanting to recapture a bit of nostalgia replaying the mod they played 10 years ago.
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