13-12-2024, 07:21 AM
(12-12-2024, 11:34 PM)Terath Wrote: For a first work, this is very impressive. There a few things I can suggest that may help in designing things in the future.
Do you have a reference image? When I was starting out modeling, I used to struggle with effectively creating my ideas in Blender until I started using reference images to help me visually compare my work to something. Building up a collection of reference images also helps gives you idea on what to work on next, when you're a little lost for ideas.
Pushing yourself to try to make things you are uncomfortable with helps build general skill in modeling. Even if you 'fail' in your own eyes. When I started, I wasn't very good at modeling, so I made myself comfortable just making swords for too long of a time - I didn't want to step outside what I was comfortable making because I didn't want to fail. I'd avoid this if possible; try to focus on working on something new each project, even if it's a small goal.
The sword is pretty fantasy, yes - though that's not a problem, unless it isn't what you were aiming for initially. If you wish to make things that aren't fantasy, there are multiple things you can learn - sword typologies, recreations of historical finds, etc. that provide insight into why weapons of different time periods are made a certain way. Again, there is nothing wrong with a fantasy art-style or theme - it depends on what you initially intended for the model.
UV unwrapping is very underappreciated as a skill. Learning how to properly UV unwrap can massively save you time and effort in the long run, but can be really hard to learn when you're starting learning Blender. Programs like Substance Painter for working on material work better when the UV unwrap is clean and gives appropriate scale to the unwrapped parts.
The proportions of your sword are a little off. I'd say the crossguard is a little large compared to the rest of the weapon. Don't go back and edit this model, though! I challenge you: make a second sword, and see if you can't try to fix it in the next one!
Also, I would suggest uploading to Sketchfab, not p3d.in! p3d is fairly depreciated, and Sketchfab has better lighting setup and material compatibility, on top of generally just looking better.
Overall though, this is a great first shot! Keep at it and you'll see very quick improvement. Keep at it!
Thank you for your feedback! I really appreciate it to hear something from a pro^^
Yeah i used a reference for the handle.
My initial idea wasn't too make a fantasy sword, it was to bring something new for NordInvasion.

Then i quickly realized that it would be much harder to find the right balance between realistic - swadian/nordic and fantasy looks.
Do you have an idea how to keep the balance?
I'll keep working on it when I have time.
Lvl 52 Master Peltast (DB_Julianature); Lvl 52 Warden (DB_Wardenature); Lvl 52 Chosen Marksman (DB_Doctornature); Lvl 52 Royal Guard (DB_Guardinature); Lvl 52 Ranger (DB_Wildnature)
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26.12.2024 Scorn
01.02.2025 Mnjonjo