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Nord Invasion Mysteriums and the truth about it.
I still feel like Galen_Thalheimer, as I am one of those "challenged" players. I've consistently noticed that housemates will be looting as if a pinata has been busted open, while I am lucky to walk away from a night of hardmode with a couple of hardened metal or heavy cloth. It's sort of frustrating to hear about lead, bear fur, raven feathers, etc, and I'm lucky to grab a few higher level mats for hours of play. Let's not even mention legendaries. I've been playing this mod for probably over 6 months now, and I've always felt this way about my chances for drops. And, as a sniper, I am usually staying alive for the majority of boss waves up to the bitter end.

I switched to my alt on normal a while back, and suddenly I was awash in loot. I think in one night of playing, I was ridiculously loaded up on mats, coal, and a Grinder helm. This did nothing to dispel the dirty rumor that lower level players have a higher % drop rate. It just made me feel that my max level main was busted somehow. I'm kind of glad to see that there are other players who feel the same way.

* EDIT * I will say that when I solo hardmode, I do alright for stuff like hm, but that is because it is usually one or two other players with me, and all the loot is going to such a small group.
"Many people die at twenty five and aren't buried until they are seventy five."
-Benjamin Franklin

Messages In This Thread
Re: Nord Invasion Mysteriums and the truth about it. - by Sir_Eldras - 15-08-2012, 07:30 PM
Re: Nord Invasion Mysteriums and the truth about it. - by Sphinx - 16-08-2012, 05:39 AM

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