28-12-2011, 10:03 PM
im not sure how many of us are from the u.s. so by all means make all eu servers manual. but in the u.s. as im sure everyone knows we are all about freedom and personally i dont like being forced to do anything...especially when im bad at it. And just to some other peoples point, i cant block for my life..that's why i play singleplayer/co-op mods, and regardless of this i WILL still be mindlessly charging in trying to finish my quests. And forcing us to work as a team wont work, at least in my opinion. People will always just want to rank up and get to the higher levels the fastest. Keep in mind only a few of the people that play this mod actually look on the forums (the ones that do are probably the better players) so no matter how many polls u make or how many people think manual block will increase teamwork...there's no way to be sure.
Also if a server is going to be manual/auto/both isn't that up to the admin of that server? or does NI have like 10 of its own servers under the NI admins? if someone could clear this up for me that would be great because i have little to no knowledge of the mechanics of M&B
Also if a server is going to be manual/auto/both isn't that up to the admin of that server? or does NI have like 10 of its own servers under the NI admins? if someone could clear this up for me that would be great because i have little to no knowledge of the mechanics of M&B
Anyone else wish that they could play from the nords perspective?