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NordInvasion Weekly Event #21 - (Sign Up Thread) 30th November
Character NameughghSK_New_PlayerTest_xbow
LevelAll 52
ClassCommando/Heavy CrossbowPikeman/Heavy InfantryMan-at-arms/Sergeant
EquipmentHope/SKS/HPS/H.Cade/BarrelTwigs/Surgeon KitsAurora/SKS/Bolt Tosser/Onyx
RoleServer Crasher, Shielder, AttackerSkirmisher, HealerSharpshooter, Attacker, Shielder
Map ChoiceNo preference
TimeNo preference
Location(NA/EU/AU)No choice really, it's all EU
Volunteer to be Captain?Nope

Messages In This Thread
Re: NordInvasion Weekly Event #21 - (Sign Up Thread) 30th November - by ughgh - 29-11-2012, 09:31 PM

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