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Horses slowing down on damage
I'll report this as a bug, because current game behavior leaves a lot to be desired.

There are two problems.

First, horse is slowed down too much. A horse with 2/3 hp bar full should still be noticeably faster than infantry! If horse is slowed down that much for just 1/3 of it's hp, then how slow will it be on 1/3? This is totally unfair to cavalry, and especially low-level cavalry who are most vulnerable to stray stones and javelins. Horse speed reduction should be balanced to a horse with health close to zero would be slightly slower than infantry.

Second, the speed reduction is not gradual. My horse was damaged for ~1/3 of it's health, speed was not reduced but I healed it. Then again damaged for ~20%, still no speed loss, but I healed it again just to be on the safe side. Then another hit came for ~1/3 - and suddenly I couldn't even outrun infantry anymore even though hitbar is 2/3 full.

Conclusion: horse speed reduction at it's current state makes cavalry practically unplayable. I have been sceptical about other players' reports on how this modification was way overdone, but after playing on a horseback for a bit I'm afraid the reports are quite true.

Besides, why only player cavalry? Why infantry doesn't slow down on damage, but cavalry does? Why don't bots slow down on damage, either infantry or cavalry ones? I don't think there was any need to nerf a class which is only playable on two maps out of 8, but this is not even nerfing, it's crippling.
Quote:My Little Personal Scripting Workshop (Companions Overseer presentation; Better Trade Goods, Better Civilians and Siege Camp Icon mini-mods; Scene Prop Iterator and AgentFinder script libraries).

Messages In This Thread
Horses slowing down on damage - by Lav - 02-01-2012, 02:38 PM
Re: Horses slowing down on damage - by ster - 02-01-2012, 02:52 PM
Re: Horses slowing down on damage - by Lav - 02-01-2012, 03:03 PM
Re: Horses slowing down on damage - by Golradir - 02-01-2012, 04:05 PM
Re: Horses slowing down on damage - by dexxtaa - 02-01-2012, 06:26 PM
Re: Horses slowing down on damage - by Senni - 03-01-2012, 01:07 PM
Re: Horses slowing down on damage - by Xerebri - 04-01-2012, 08:00 PM

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