23-12-2012, 11:15 AM
Can we have a thread where we keep a black list of people who are less than honest in their dealings with others on this board?
#20108 SK_Iron_Marauder ; Previously SK_Iron, SK_Ironhill, SB_Ironhill, Swadius_of_Ironhills
#2462148 SK_Mica ; Previously Fat_and_Ugly
#2441007 SK_Royal_Guard_Gneiss ; Previously SK_Herr_Gneiss_Preasts
#2451456 SK_Hardy_Meat_Piston
#2432942 Raicho
#2514714 Ric_Flair
#2462148 SK_Mica ; Previously Fat_and_Ugly
#2441007 SK_Royal_Guard_Gneiss ; Previously SK_Herr_Gneiss_Preasts
#2451456 SK_Hardy_Meat_Piston
#2432942 Raicho
#2514714 Ric_Flair