Clan Cameron has chosen the Defender house crafting specialty!
We are currently in the process of leveling up so therefore, our next event will be a material drive. All the old boots, crooked sticks, and bent swords gathered during the event will be turned over to CC_FM_Tarimoth who will craft them and return the products. The xp from this crafting will help to level up Clan Cameron so that we can craft the fancy new armors.
See you at the event!
We are currently in the process of leveling up so therefore, our next event will be a material drive. All the old boots, crooked sticks, and bent swords gathered during the event will be turned over to CC_FM_Tarimoth who will craft them and return the products. The xp from this crafting will help to level up Clan Cameron so that we can craft the fancy new armors.
Quote:Next event (hosted by Tarimoth):
Date: 25th January, Friday 26th January, Saturday
Time: 19:00GMT (20:00CET)
Event type: Normal mode - Material gathering
Lvl requirement: 1+
Note: This event will be like other normalmode events, with one major twist: All Crooked Stick, Bent swords and Old Boots found during the event by our members MUST be turned in to this account: CC_FM_Tarimoth. These items will be processed into Metal, Cloth and Wood and given back to our members. The reason for this somewhat complicated decision is that basic mats are the only way to lvl our house crafting. Let's begin crafting those high-end armors as quickly as possible, eh? - Tari
See you at the event!
CC_Warden_Kip | CC_Sentinel_Kip | CC_Guard_Kip | CC_Zweihander_Kip | CC_Marksman_Kip | CC_Pavise_Kip | CC_Peltast_Kip | CC_Marauder_Kip | others...