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Report on BlooD_Keller & BlooD_Critical
We did not continue to ' poke ' Superman, and may I say, he insulted YOU, many times during the screenshots as well, he also provoked everyone exclaiming he didn't care what we did, who cares, and ' KICK ME. ' You also claimed that we BOTH, used the hack despite only Critical having knowledge of it. I would also like to state that it is deliciously ironic that someone with the comment ' "Oh shit oh fuck oh shit oh fuck oh SHUCK OH FIT"-DoomLord124 ' Below EVERY SINGLE ONE, of their posts, would redicule others on swearing?
TSL Captain



Worm Bane: 27/3/2016
Ailadrodd: 11/06/2016

Messages In This Thread
Re: Report on BlooD_Keller & BlooD_Critical - by Keller - 30-01-2013, 08:39 AM

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