05-02-2013, 06:30 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-02-2013, 06:09 PM by fluffiluffigus.)
i think i want to sell my hope for 2-2.5mil. post or pm me an offer. heres a little list of specfic items i really want.
steam: Fluffiluffigus
Archer: SK_Fluffy_Archer
Deployable wall: SK_Fluffy_Footman
Over compensater : SK_Fluffy_Pikeman
Floor-mounted Turret: SK_Fluffy_Xbow
Halbredier: Vlad_the_Impaler
Eternal Redshirt: Fluffiluffigus
Archer: SK_Fluffy_Archer
Deployable wall: SK_Fluffy_Footman
Over compensater : SK_Fluffy_Pikeman
Floor-mounted Turret: SK_Fluffy_Xbow
Halbredier: Vlad_the_Impaler
Eternal Redshirt: Fluffiluffigus