12-01-2012, 08:18 PM
I think heraldic mail alone crippled the market. Heraldic mail takes 3 woven steel, which means 3 steel, 9 leather (45 cloth). With steel prices dropping (more coal is being found), the steel portion of the cost is 6000-9000. Heraldic mail sells TO MARKETPLACE for 26,343, leaving 17,000-20,000 for leather. If you get steel cheap, and leather for 2,000 (cloth 400 x 5), then leather is altogether 18,000 per armor. 18,000 leather + 6,000 steel = 24,000 cost of production, meaning a 2,000 denar profit and a lot of xp as well. Thus, people started buying all the cloth to make a profit, and now cloth costs way too much. Other people who need cloth are in a bad position because the only way to make money is to use it for heraldic mail. If heraldic mail sold for less, cloth would stop selling and the prices would go down after a while, making lower level crafting products more feasible.