So, looking to switch up my LIs, maybe get back into the game. Taking offers for them separately or together. Feel free to PM me or post in the thread with your offers.
Looking for a Trans first and foremost.
[glow=red,2,300]Twigs:[/glow] Dreaded War Pick + Plate Mittens + Swadian Boots + Explosive Barrel + Transitional Armor from Ragnash
Justice + Transitionnal Armor ( Orange ) + Plate boots + Plate mittens + Pikeman's plated vest over mail + Pigface + Worm Bane + some mats ( HM, scales, HC, SW, ... )
[glow=red,2,300]Fiendish:[/glow] Sold for Fearsome and Injustice
Looking for a Trans first and foremost.
[glow=red,2,300]Twigs:[/glow] Dreaded War Pick + Plate Mittens + Swadian Boots + Explosive Barrel + Transitional Armor from Ragnash
Justice + Transitionnal Armor ( Orange ) + Plate boots + Plate mittens + Pikeman's plated vest over mail + Pigface + Worm Bane + some mats ( HM, scales, HC, SW, ... )
[glow=red,2,300]Fiendish:[/glow] Sold for Fearsome and Injustice
Start the game already!