17-01-2012, 01:52 PM
Worm can you lock this before I loose my mind? This guy posted 1 or 2 ideas and is just flaming. The last thing I need is another warning. I throw the justifications of how these additions are realistic from my own experience not to have it questioned, or to have someone mad because I can still find time to play with my busy schedule, but to show that they are indeed realistic. So today I'll reframe from making anyone look even more like an idiot, and I don't think I'll be contributing as much in the future.
Hilarious when the main body reply of someones post is to attack me, and then they put a small idea at the bottom to say they've contributed.
Hilarious when the main body reply of someones post is to attack me, and then they put a small idea at the bottom to say they've contributed.
Only as good as the man to your left and right. See your enemies driven before you!