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NordInvasion Weekly Event #29 - (Sign Up Thread) 31th March
Signing up as reserve.

Character Name:  Gismo
Level: 52
Class: Pikeman heavy inf
Equipment: tome, twigs, pok
Role: skirmisher
Server Choice: hard
Map: Handes retreat
Volunteer to be Captain?:No

Character Name:  Aegis_Gismo
Level: 52
Class: Sniper Heavy inf
Equipment: Kings will, bronze arrows, aurora blade
Role: sniper

Character Name:  Aegis_Gismo
Level: 52
Class: Sharpshooter heavy infantry
Equipment: Repeater, Dragon Axe/Aurora/Worm Bane
Role: sharpshooter

My armour is heavy plated + gnezdovo, bear set, crossed sharpshooters mail + open salet along with plate mittens.

Messages In This Thread
Re: NordInvasion Weekly Event #29 - (Sign Up Thread) 31th March - by Martin_JBL_Fighter - 26-03-2013, 06:34 PM

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