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Tending the Wounded / A new Bulwark
Self healing would have 2 options, which both would not be very good for the use medics have now.
1. An item which only heals the medic. Most medics would prefer this over a teamheal, thus leading to a shortage of team-medics.
2. Have the med box also heal the medic. This would cause med boxes to be used when the healer needs it (probably), instead of the team. Putting down a med box could be delayed by a medic because he isn't hurt himself.
So, selfheal is, imo, not the best of ideas.
I was never here, you saw nothing...

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Messages In This Thread
Tending the Wounded / A new Bulwark - by Tarimoth - 11-04-2013, 09:16 AM
Re: Tending the Wounded / A new Bulwark - by Maroon - 21-04-2013, 12:38 AM

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