21-04-2013, 06:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 21-04-2013, 09:09 PM by fluffiluffigus.)
I need 1 of these. i offer 65k. or a mix of mats/items from my player shop. if you put one up on the AH for that price ill buy it.
steam: Fluffiluffigus
Archer: SK_Fluffy_Archer
Deployable wall: SK_Fluffy_Footman
Over compensater : SK_Fluffy_Pikeman
Floor-mounted Turret: SK_Fluffy_Xbow
Halbredier: Vlad_the_Impaler
Eternal Redshirt: Fluffiluffigus
Archer: SK_Fluffy_Archer
Deployable wall: SK_Fluffy_Footman
Over compensater : SK_Fluffy_Pikeman
Floor-mounted Turret: SK_Fluffy_Xbow
Halbredier: Vlad_the_Impaler
Eternal Redshirt: Fluffiluffigus