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Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal)
Browsing through servers once again...  I feel you guys should quit while your ahead with splitting up the population... 

Everyone was much happier when the whole community could play together as a team... 

No one plays hard servers...  And as soon as they level too high to get loot, they level their alts...  IN HOPES that this issue will be resolved by the time their alt is level'd...

I'm sure you have put a lot of hard work into hard mode...  But no one is going to be able to play it or want to, with max 3 players on a distant server.  "if your lucky"

So please just do what is best for your country, and your people, and allow us to have FREEEEEEDOMMMMMM to play with eachother the way that we were when we first fell in love with the mod. 

Much love... 

but please make the community a whole again... 

EDIT: I know I have been kinda B****tchy today, because after the shields were taken from us, I decided that I had to speak up as if SOPA was getting passed on a warband mod.

We are trying to help you guys create a fun, long lasting and interesting mod. 

Please consider what we are all saying...  We want noobs and pros together, and if you are farming??? Well i thought you were supposed to right???

SO if we can;t spam shields, than you have to bring the servers together again...  Because no one can even get close to veteran huscarls. 

We are trying to help, so ignoring us will result in a huge waste of your hard work. 

Please don't double post, use the modify button. -Worm
Warband Modder / Scener
Unity 3D Developer
Unreal 4 Developer

[WCS] WITCHCORESTUDIOS: Owner / Lead Developer

Current Standalone in progress: Warborn [ Medieval, Survival, Sandbox, MMO ] Assembled using Unity 3D 5

Contact for anything regarding anything: [STEAM]: [WCS] Warborn  [eMAIL]:

Messages In This Thread
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Sphinx - 24-01-2012, 06:56 AM
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Sphinx - 24-01-2012, 10:55 AM
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Sphinx - 24-01-2012, 06:50 PM
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Sphinx - 24-01-2012, 08:17 PM
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Sphinx - 25-01-2012, 07:07 AM
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by Sphinx - 29-01-2012, 12:18 AM
Re: Since server seperation... (Hard/Normal) - by [WCS] Warborn - 29-01-2012, 03:58 AM

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