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Legionnaire ideas
TL;DnR: Add more that he can do to make him more important in a game.

First a disclaimer:
I have not created a hero yet, have not gotten any concrete information about the legionnaire. Also  i do not belive that all of this hasn't been thought of before but if by chance you share my point of view and like the ideas please COMMENT and DISCUSS.
Please argument your point if negative and offer some improvements over my own ideas if you like the general direction:

First off, i belive a legionnaire should be a teamwork orientated hero. Just like the reputation of the romans for their discipline and unity in combat, a legionnaire should have some unique traits to JUSTIFY taking him over a slasher/archer or a shielder. For this purpose i would do the following (and perhaps even more)
(I would like a legionnaire to have as distinct role on hardmode and ragnarok just like the shielder shielder so that 1 would always be welcome if not a necessity.)

- Give a Legionnaire a special deployable shield/wall of 2 ranks (Heavy deployable cover and deployable cover) which would be very large and have no holes in it (As opposed to the barricade, so that a healer does not get shot by aimbot rangers). He could use it without the engineer proffesion allowing him to create artificial cover for healers and others alike in maps with poor natural enviroment (Outdoors). It would allow him to take medi-kits to the battlefield if necessary (at the cost of his other just as important weapons) because his deployable cover would not require a profession.

- I would give him a new "Tower shield" granting him cover over his whole body and more so that he can go out of the barricades and make the rangers attack him in melee while surviving all the arrows they throw at him. It would also allow him to shield a friendly from ranged damage if that friendly had something to do in the line of fire. The shield would obviously be poor at shielding but could take quite a few arrows itself. I do not know how this could be achived but maybe poor health and high resistance or vice versa.

optional and not really important:
-I'd give him unique lightweight armor and weapons/ shields to make the character faster at the cost of a little bit of armor allowing the player to opt for speed or armor. (This would punish him against crushtrough if i am not mistaken)

- I would give him THE best craftable head armor in the game so that he can survive a little bit more with a black bar instead of dying instantly against a handful of lucky rangers that hit the legs and head at the same time or the head directly when he slashes at another ranged enemy.

I would also do something with the throwables increasing how many he can hold by 50 or even 100% compared to the javeliner in one batch (So that he can carry a shield, a onehanded weapon and ~30 throwables from the start - His damage and accuracy is lower anyhow) or as a 2nd option to create the throwing process much much faster so that he can throw his throwing weapon faster than an archer can reload but making the number of throwables lower to balance for the speed of which he's throwing them at. It's something i always hated in warband.. Javelins should be a counter to archers but infact it's noticeably slower to throw a javelin than shoot an arrow making it sometimes hard to even throw the weapon at range, forcing you to go into melee.

These are just some of my ideas and i'll probably have more since this class really got my interest. Comment and share yours.  ;D
I'm a newbie so any sort of "enlightenment" would be appreciated (if i made a mistake or underestimated legionnaire's value)
ON_iBlue - Master Peltast:
1 x Prince
1 x War Marshall
ON_InvisibleBlue - Sniper

Messages In This Thread
Legionnaire ideas - by !slay. - 08-06-2013, 12:55 PM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Barristan - 08-06-2013, 02:15 PM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by !slay. - 08-06-2013, 02:51 PM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Winter - 08-06-2013, 07:51 PM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Murrow - 09-06-2013, 03:50 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by SwedeHog - 09-06-2013, 11:05 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by [OTD]Pen_Hercules - 14-06-2013, 02:17 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by !slay. - 14-06-2013, 06:20 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Barristan - 14-06-2013, 06:51 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Swadius - 14-06-2013, 08:01 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Punishment - 14-06-2013, 08:32 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Rhyperior - 14-06-2013, 05:28 PM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Chopdick3000 - 15-06-2013, 02:48 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Tee - 15-06-2013, 03:22 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Maroon - 15-06-2013, 08:33 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Chopdick3000 - 15-06-2013, 03:24 PM

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