On almost every normal server I go on with my commando, (or my sergeant/heavy skirmisher hybrid) I find myself shielding. I suppose it doesn't appeal to many people because it is much less rewarding than it is to be a slasher, or to shoot into a crowd of enemies. Moreover, new players don't think about the distant future, and more so about the near future, and shielding isn't really something you can do until you're a commando, or, at least, a sergeant.
Mighty_Vdude - Level 52 - Halberdier
Mighty_Vdu - Level 44 - Commando/Crossbowman
Mighty_Vdud - Level 39 - Sniper
Mighty_Vdu - Level 44 - Commando/Crossbowman
Mighty_Vdud - Level 39 - Sniper