Full house name: NovaAllianceGamers
House Tag: NAG_(Name)
Primary language: English
Min. recruiting lvl.: +1
Recruiting region (Int./ EU/ NA/ AU): EU/NA
Leader(s): Scippio, Rad, Acteaon
Thread link: http://forum.nordinvasion.com/index.php?topic=14443.0
Voiceserver (IP, channel name): (NAG's TS) Website: http://www.novaalliancegamers.com/
Banner link or image: We'll be making a custom one soon, we don't have a permanent banner for now, but most of us are using the black and white tree.
House Tag: NAG_(Name)
Primary language: English
Min. recruiting lvl.: +1
Recruiting region (Int./ EU/ NA/ AU): EU/NA
Leader(s): Scippio, Rad, Acteaon
Thread link: http://forum.nordinvasion.com/index.php?topic=14443.0
Voiceserver (IP, channel name): (NAG's TS) Website: http://www.novaalliancegamers.com/
Banner link or image: We'll be making a custom one soon, we don't have a permanent banner for now, but most of us are using the black and white tree.