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Legionnaire ideas
Oh neat, people discussing my favourite class!  Alright, I purchased the Legionnaire hero class a few days ago and it has been nothing but endless fun since.  Although its use in slashing in a shield wall is very limited, as 1h weapons are typically shorter and easier to get friendly fire with, it can always switch to throwing in cases where the shield wall does not accommodate 1h slashing.  A counter to this is to pick up a 2h weapon from the ground, but 1h, shield, and 2 stacks of throwing seems to fit the class better.  It would also be a pain to switch 1h > 2h > throwing > 1h when fighting ranged.

The class is very useful for taking out the ranged enemies that do not run straight into the shield wall.  Throw at a large glob of archers, kill a few, then rush in with your 1h and shield and it is rather easy to decimate a cloud of pretty much anything Hard mode has to throw at you.  Compared to pikeman, this class has an easier time killing enemy ranged in melee combat because of increased armour, shields for when too many Nords attack you at once, and the ability to use a 1h weapon effectively.  It also has a good shielding skill, so if a shielder goes down a Legionnaire can quickly take his place with only one shield and still hold out until the end of the wave (usually).

The one issue I am finding with the class is its ability to be useful in Hard mode.  The throwing is not effective enough to justify not bringing a different class, the ranged Nords are a bit too powerful for their throwing, and 1h combat against multiple Einherjar Rangers is definitely not advised.  Shield and 1h combat against even one Einherjar Ranger does not end well for the Swadian the majority of the time either.  Shields break very quickly to Einherjar Rangers, and they have much longer reach than most 1h weapons.  Since all of the uses that makes this class so fun in Normal and Hard mode aren't quite viable in Ragnarok and it would be much more useful to the team to bring a different class, I would be very hesitant to try to bring my Legionnaire on a Ragnarok run.  A deployable cover would probably change this opinion, since Swadian ranged seem to be the ones that die the most in any good Ragnarok run and could use all the help they can get to kill those pesky Einherjar Rangers.  A throwable with a faster throwing rate could also work, as I am currently using Craftable Throwing Spears (faster throwing rate than even Twigs of Yggdrasil) and am still finding it difficult to kill Einherjar Rangers before getting my eyes skewered with barbed arrows with the limited accuracy and damage.  Throwing into a glob of Einherjar Rangers, as you can do in Hard and Normal to other Nord ranged, simply isn't an option unless you want to be made into a nice heap of flesh on the ground.

And special Legionnaire armour, yes!  I will be the most stylish Commando in Cyrodil Calradia.

Messages In This Thread
Legionnaire ideas - by !slay. - 08-06-2013, 12:55 PM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Barristan - 08-06-2013, 02:15 PM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by !slay. - 08-06-2013, 02:51 PM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Winter - 08-06-2013, 07:51 PM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Murrow - 09-06-2013, 03:50 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by SwedeHog - 09-06-2013, 11:05 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by [OTD]Pen_Hercules - 14-06-2013, 02:17 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by !slay. - 14-06-2013, 06:20 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Barristan - 14-06-2013, 06:51 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Swadius - 14-06-2013, 08:01 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Punishment - 14-06-2013, 08:32 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Rhyperior - 14-06-2013, 05:28 PM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Chopdick3000 - 15-06-2013, 02:48 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Tee - 15-06-2013, 03:22 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Maroon - 15-06-2013, 08:33 AM
Re: Legionnaire ideas - by Chopdick3000 - 15-06-2013, 03:24 PM

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