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Barbutte With Coif Giveaway
I would love a magneto helmet to replace my steel spangen and i'll give it away if i ever don't need it.

[Image: cGo2Y67.gif]
Loots - Cherry:1 Sir_Cherry:3 Walls_In_Windows:1 Aceventurier:5 

Currently wearing my shops barbutte. Would like to have my own. Thank you.

Currently wearing Twenties' barbutte. Would like to have my own. Thank you.
Would fit great on my MP

Don't trust a lying sack of shit (Takeo)
2439746 so i could sell my ornate bascinet Big Grin hate this helmet
23.2.15 - Naval Glaive
08.3.15 - Naval Glaive
16.3.15 - Fearsome Knight Helmet
29.4.17 - Volcanic Daggers
29.5.18 - Rupturers
03.2.25 - Impervious
23.2.25 - Tiger Scale Armour

Fara: ''The World Trade Center was on 11.9.1998''

Fara: ''How old were you in 2012?''
Tonic: ''I was born in 1997''
Fara: ''So you were 17''
Angar's always getting legendaries and I'm left behind with craftable gear.
2523288 I'd appreciate the gift.
23.02.2018 - Brigadine Plated Red 
10.02.2019 - Rupturer
30.12.2019 - Legacy
14.03.2020 - Leviathan's Helmet
05.02.2021 - Illustrious
12.02.2021 - Brigadine plated Red
20.03.2021 - Rending Bolts
21.05.2021 - Pike of Kings
01.06.2024 - Malice
2458643, ya already know marauder is my fav class of all time when i have a jormungandr
Ancient Greatsword - 2015-08-27
Fang of Fenrir x2 - 2015-10-15
Volundr Greatsword - 2024-06-06
Naval Glaive - 2024-06-08
Rebellion - 2024-06-08
Steel Stinger - 2024-06-27
Penetrator - 2024-07-10
Dragon Bolts - 2024-07-12
Malice - 2024-08-03
Dellingr's Hands - 2024-12-08
Twigs of Yggdrasil - 2024-12-27
Barbutte with Coif - 2024-12-29
Jormungandr - 2024-12-29

2487276 Thx for doing giveaways for the community. Very cool.
MP - Warden - Sentinel - Zwei - Pavise - RG - Halbradier

Steam  Legendaries

Feel free to add on steam for trades.
Character ID: 2440782
Legendary Loots 

05/05/18 Volundr Great Sword

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